Tag Archives: teen wriitng creative writing stories nj new jersey montclair west orange south orange

Teen Picture Prompt 617


I wanted to stop time but how could I?  How could  stop it from happening?  I mean I would if I could but I’m afraid.  Afraid of what will happen if don’t but more  afraid of what will happen if I try…


Finish the story.


Hourglass (Photo credit: John-Morgan)

Teen Writing Prompt 592

Southernmost Point of the U.S., Key West, FL

Southernmost Point of the U.S., Key West, FL (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

“Never ever give up. Look inside yourself and see what you are made of.” These are the words of Diane Nyad, a woman who swam from Cuba to Key West, Florida.  She swam over 100 miles and she is in her early 60’s.  She tried it when she was in her 20’s and failed.

This made me start thinking about real people and their true stories.  Stories based on the lives of real people who actually walked this earth can be really compelling.  Why not look and find one of those stories of someone who inspires you and write an essay about it.

I know.  I know.   School has just started and this prompt feels more like school work than fun.  This kind of essay can be one that you use when applying for scholarships..  Bits and pieces of it discussing what inspires you speaks volumes.


Teen Writing Prompt 589


Write a poem about how you feel today.




Broken Heart


My heart is broken because he is no more


But my memories of him will stay in with me forever.


His laughter and how much he loved life.


His Strength and Courage


The pain will no longer keep him captive.


Today he is free.


Free to live in our hearts forever.




I wrote this poem after discovering this morning that my cousin died after a long illness fighting ASL.  He was strong throughout the entire ordeal.  Last summer my father and I took a road trip from New Jersey to Florida to visit him and his family while they were on holiday.  They live in the UK. All I can remember is how full of life he was.


I’ll journal about it today because as I writer I have to get it all out on paper and it doesn’t matter if I never read what I write again. Writing helps it get better. So today write it out.  Good or bad then you’ll feel a bit freer.


Green Heart (And the Green Grass Grows All Aro...

Green Heart (And the Green Grass Grows All Around, All Around) (Photo credit: CarbonNYC)





Teen Writing Prompt 574

A blue-themed birthday cake

A blue-themed birthday cake (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Yesterday was my birthday and I didn’t do too much.  I went to see a movie with my sister, shared birthday cake with my parents and twin sister, and then we went out to dinner.  I take that back I guess I actually did a lot. It’s just that sometimes we have hugh expectations about how things should be sometimes. This year has been rough.  A friend of my died suddenly, Jamila was only 35 years old and a few other things arose.

Each year when my birthday comes around I realize that being alive is something we should be grateful for because so many people die young.  One of my students died this year; he was 17 years old. Instead of wanting a list of things I wish for a healthy stress free life and I do wish that my writing will become something meaningful that I can share with everyone

Write a poem about what your birthday brings.  It’s okay if you have a list of things you want.  That’s what my list was when I was your age. I just evolve as you all do with each experience or event we go through.

Teen Writing Tip

The three lead protagonists of Star Wars, from...

The three lead protagonists of Star Wars, from left to right: Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher), and Han Solo (Harrison Ford). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)



I remember the first female movie character that I admired.  It was Princess Leia from Star Wars.  I loved how tough she was and how he got the dudes out of trouble.  Growing up I use to watch old black and white TV shows where women would twist their ankle only to have a strong man have to carry her as they were chased by the bad guys. Along came Princess Leia and she helped to carry the guys.  And you can’t forget Ripley from Aliens who saved everyone from aliens.  Okay they basically all died but she was the one who lead the soldiers when they were too sacred to fight back.


There was Nancy Drew who had some guts too, geez how could I forget her?  Harriet the Sp Spy too.  For as long as I can remember I always longer for the strong woman as much as I wanted to grow up and be one! So think about who you are writing.  Who is this awesome gal?  Even if she has weaknesses and falls in love that sill doesn’t mean she had to be weak. Giving a character a weakness makes them human but just don’t make them weak.  Then again it would be interesting to see them evolve but remember that even Bella from Twilight has her strengths that went beyond being brave enough to date a vampire.



Teen Writing Prompt 540

Black Family Enjoying The Summer Weather At Ch...

Black Family Enjoying The Summer Weather At Chicago’s 12th Street Beach On Lake Michigan, 08/1973 (Photo credit: The U.S. National Archives)

Write a poem about your family.

Here’s mine.

My Family


My father’s hands kneads the dough to feed us

My mother, my nurturer, my comforter, my strength

My brother,  my fearless protector

My twin sister, my constant friend

My little sister, my muse and fellow writer

My eldest sister, loving, kind, and gentle; she’s gone but never forgotten

Teen Writing Prompt 516

Cover of the privately-printed Poems (1928)

Cover of the privately-printed Poems (1928) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Portrait of W.H. Auden

Portrait of W.H. Auden (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Take one of your favorite forms and transform it into your own.  Please cite the author and poem.

After watching movie Four Wedding and a Funeral I fell in love with this poem by W.H. Auden It’s called Funeral Blues.

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead,
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last for ever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood.
For nothing now can ever come to any good.

Teen Writing Prompt 510

Pot Garden

Pot Garden (Photo credit: Earthworm)

It was one of those perfect spring days when the weather was finally growing warmer and everything around you was blooming.  I went to the garden, I was planning to plant some tomatoes and peppers this year. I got on my knees and started to dig.  I had gotten a few inches when I saw a ….

What happens next?  Do you find buried treasure?  Or how about something really weird.

Teen Writing Prompt 508


You go to a show where a mind-reader controls people.  After the show you decide to give it a try and


Day 158 - Channeling

Day 158 – Channeling (Photo credit: nataliej)


you discover that you have the power to control people.


What if you could control everyone for just one day? What would you do with your newfound power?


Teen Writing Prompt 505

Solar panels to heat hot water at the Tea-Hors...

Solar panels to heat hot water at the Tea-Horse Trade Guest House along the Tiger Leaping Gorge trail in Yunnan, China. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

They said that it would start within a year but as usual they were wrong, it started this morning.  I’m glad that I spend yesterday at the beach with my friends because that is something that I’ll never get to do again.  You see starting from today and then for forever we are going to have a never-ending winter. The scientists built greenhouse so we could still have fruits and vegetables but only the rich will be able to afford to pay $10,000 for an apple.  I rest of us will have to hunt and work hard to find food, at least the solar panels on our house will keep us warm….

I started the story now it’s up to you to finish it.  What would you do it everyone around the world there was an endless winter?